Case Management

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With the combination of experience in case review and expertise in genetics, PLUGS® and Metis Genetics have joined together to create a case management solution for genetic testing to support healthcare systems and insurance payers in effectively administering their genetic testing caseload.

Did you know 30% of genetic tests are ordered incorrectly?

There are currently over 65,000 genetic tests available in the U.S.1 with 20% growth estimate over the next 5 years. Healthcare systems and payers face an overwhelming burden of appropriate test selection due to the number of tests and the rapid advancement in genetic technologies. Inappropriate testing delays the appropriate clinical care for patients and wastes millions of healthcare dollars each year.


Genetic counselors helping optimize genetic test selection

PLUGS® and Metis Genetics have joined together to create a genetic testing case management solution to support healthcare systems and insurance payers in effectively administering their genetic testing caseload.

GeneTestAdvisor Pays for Itself

30 percent

Includes recommending:

  • Different or less expensive test
  • Cancelling order

Dependent upon:

  • Average test cost
  • Ordering department
  • Insurance contracts

Retrospective review:

  • Identify cases for appeal
  • Identify key issues
  • Improve processes

 How does the GeneTestAdvisor process work?

GTA workflow

 What does the genetic counselor consider during a case review?

  • Was the correct test ordered?
  • Is the test medically necessary?
  • Can sequential testing be considered?
  • Are there alternate tests that are more appropriate?
  • Have the optimal test and reference and laboratory been selected?
  • Is insurance pre-authorization required?

Download our informational flier to learn how to increase the value of your genetic testing program.

Watch the webinar GeneTestAdvisor: Expert test review that delivers your best results for patient care and healthcare savings

Interested in learning more about GeneTestAdvisor?

Contact us! or 206-987-5306